Hello blog...

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Hello blog... It looks as if I've abandoned you for quite some time. You've just been a little lower on my list of priorities lately. We have had so much change in our lives since I last posted.

New city.
New house.
New friends.
New church.
New rotations.
New baby cousin (coming soon!)
Enjoying old family for the first time in a loooong time.

We are so thankful for the blessings that God has so richly poured upon our little lives. To catch you up to speed would take much longer than what I'm sure you want to read, but these past months will surely be talked about in future posts.

Now I've just made you curious ;)

So let's act as if I've been here all along, shall we?


Did not think we would ever be celebrating this holiday until we heard of the Fall Fest at Trinity Bible (our new church- love). It ended up being such a blast for the kiddos, and this Mama was scrambling
for some sort of costume to stick these little angels in...


Ballerina Princess Lyla and Ladybug Adah

Lyla loved her costume and had been in character for two days prior to the Fest. She wore her costume and listened to "ballerina" music and she danced all around the house. Did I mention how my little Lyla has turned into a total girly girl. Not prissy... But she loves all things girly.

And pink.
And purple.
And sparkly.

And it's not always easy to shepherd her little heart to not find all value in what the eyes see. I should remind myself the same thing...

Glad to be back, blog.

1 Response to Hello blog...

  1. Anonymous

    Welcome back! I've missed you and ALL you have to say...and ALL you're doing...and seeing ALL pictures...and hearing ALL about God in your life!!! Welcome!
