An Awakening

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Do you believe what you say you believe?

I would say it's taken me up until this point in my life to truly understand the magnitude of that question.

I grew up in a wonderful, Christian home. All of my life, I was instilled the knowledge of
Christian values,
of Jesus,
of Christian living.
 I grew up in the Christian church all of my life.

But until now, my soul and my mind didn't truly accept what I had knowledge to be true.
In the past year, I can say with certainty that my soul has been awakened.

God reached his forgiving hand out to me, and allowed my heart to taste one more chance of knowing Him and His glory. I can't tell you how many opportunities God has probably reached out to me but in my self-centeredness, I never acknowledged Him as LORD OF ALL.

He's forgiven me of a shameful past that wasn't repented of until recently, and now

Each day, I'm learning more and more about
truly dying to myself and
allowing Jesus to be the One who lives in this empty vessel.

What holds me back from letting the Holy Spirit completely envelop my life?
What others think of me.

What keeps drawing me back?
Having faith that life HAS to bigger that what I can see.
The Lord's power I've felt in even just the past few months.

 What's holding you back?
What would it cost for you and me to give our lives up for the Savior who gave his very life for
of our sins?

1 Response to An Awakening

  1. Anonymous

    It's a gift we take for granted...the Holy Spirit! But, He is alive and well and waiting for each of us. Thank you for your beautiful post!
