Are you the chaff?

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We've been studying Psalms 1 at our home church, Mobberly Baptist out here in Longview. Let me tell you that we LOOOOOVE our church. We feel so blessed by the Lord for giving us a church that we are constantly at a state of growing and a state of convicted correction.

"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers
But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night
He is like the tree planted by the streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.
Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish."
Psalm 1

For our purposes, this week, we focused on verse 4, digging into who we believe the wicked to be. Could I offer this point of view to you that perhaps the wicked isn't the atheist, the child abuser, the felon....etc., but instead the wicked is the UNGODLY. The UNGODLY being the person who attends church, who prays before they eat, who doesn't cuss...a person who is RELIGIOUS. This person's spirituality is purely based on their religious actions, and not of a personal and sincere relationship with God. Whew! Is that convicting or what?! I think we can all take a moment to study our spiritual lives to make sure we're not getting caught up in the actions of Christianity rather than the ultimate relationship with our Creator.

If you are not spending time in the Word DAILY, if you are not feeling the Holy Spirit's guidance in your life, I have to question if you have a sincere relationship with God. We MUST be feeding on the Word, so that we become a "tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither." Friends, for the sake our our spiritual destiny, take a look at your life and examine it, for we don't want to fooled by Satan. We don't want to think that getting caught up in the ACTS of Christianity is what saves because without our relationship with God, our acts are absolutely meaningless. They become a show that we're either putting on for others or putting on for ourselves.

Guys, I speak this to you in the ultimate sincerity because I know in my heart that it wasn't long ago that I was this wicked person. I was the person who knew the right religious things to say, who attended church on Sundays, who prayed occasionally, who at more times than not, turned my nose up at the sinful act of others. I was self righteous. I thought that my actions were the thing that would save me. I can't tell you how many times I wondered at night if I were saved or not. I was the person who asked Jesus to come into my heart multiple times so that I knew I had "sealed the deal." But I have to tell you, that until I surrendered my life to Jesus, until I MADE the effort to spend time with the Lord on a DAILY basis, until my heart was opened and my ears were softened, until I was ready to GIVE my time to the Lord as an offering because each day of life given is a gift in of itself from the Father, until I stopped saying, "I should" and instead, began DOING what I knew to be true, my life has truly changed. Like night and day change, Friend. I don't wonder anymore if I'll truly be able to live an eternity in Heaven. I don't wonder anymore if the Lord is really there. When I gave myself to the Lord, and began a relationship with Him through reading his Word, I FEEL God. I FEEL His presence.

I can't wait to tell you what God is teaching me. I'm so happy that through this medium, we are learning about our Creator together. If you'd like to watch our sermon this week, I've posted the link below. It's absolutely convicting, in the truest ways.

I love you all and I care so much about your eternity. And ultimately, Friend, it's your choice. You can stop saying, "I should do..." and just start DOING it. I am a living testimony to you, that God is pursuing you. He doesn't give up on you. He wants you if you've never accepted Him and He wants you back if you've left Him. He loves you so very much.

Are you the chaff?

1 Response to Are you the chaff?

  1. Anonymous

    Oh how I love the Lord! Love that He pursues me in and of and in spite of myself! The words of your pastor ...well, they are convicting! I pray that I walk the walk!