The Real Christmas

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I am a person who loooooves the Christmas season.

I love Christmas songs playing on the radio
I love to see a gleaming tree in my living room
I love going on car rides looking at everyone's Christmas lights
I love decorating Christmas cookies
yatta yatta yatta

But this Christmas season feels different. God has laid on Tyler and my heart to teach our children something that the world just can't give them, and that's Jesus. That's the birth of Jesus, the birth of God's one and only Son, born to save the world from our sins so that one magnificent day, we can live with our Father for ever and ever. Wow! What a glorious day it will be to celebrate the birth of a Savior. Tyler and I have dedicated ourselves to teaching our kiddos that Christmas means Jesus's birthday. Nothing Santa, no elfs, no reindeer.

My hope is that you don't view us as being a Scrooge, taking all the joy and fun out of Christmas for a child. We just believe that how much more joy and fun can we have in celebrating the birth of our King, rather than ficticious characters. 

I believe that Satan constantly tries to take whatever portion of God's that he possibly can. He takes the image of the rainbow (a covenant symbol that God places in the sky to remind us that he will never flood the earth again) and he uses it to symbolize gayness. He takes the holy celebration of Jesus' birth, and covers it by celebrating Santa Clause. He constantly uses the secular to attempt to mask the Lord's glory. I know this decision might not be for everyone, but for me and Tyler, we have to respond to what the Lord is putting on our hearts.

I'm praying that whoever reads this, remembers that every portion of this time is in celebration of Jesus' birth. His birth is the real Christmas. Let's all celebrate how awesome this time is!!!

Born unto us a child is born. Born unto us a child is born. Unto us, a child is given, unto us a child is given. And his name shall be called
The Mighty God
Amazing Father
The Prince of peace

Merry Christmas and glory to the Father that He sent us the most precious gift of all, his Son. Thank you, Father.

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